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=10 concepts of Global Integrated Transport=
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== Getting started ==
*[[Concept 1]]: moving vehicles are replaced by moving roadways
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*[[Concept 2]]: roadways are grade-separated on viaducts
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*[[Concept 3]]: transport is automated and controlled by computers
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*[[Concept 4]]: transport network is global and works nonstop
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*[[Concept 5]]: integrated is distribution of data, electricity, post and water
*[[Concept 6]]: viaducts are covered to protect from any weather conditions
*[[Concept 7]]: included are hydro, solar and wind electricity generators
*[[Concept 8]]: local electricity networks are interconnected to one global
*[[Concept 9]]: included is waste separation and recycling
*[[Concept 10]]: water is accessible for firemen and for watering dry land
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Latest revision as of 11:34, 8 June 2016

10 concepts of Global Integrated Transport

  • Concept 1: moving vehicles are replaced by moving roadways
  • Concept 2: roadways are grade-separated on viaducts
  • Concept 3: transport is automated and controlled by computers
  • Concept 4: transport network is global and works nonstop
  • Concept 5: integrated is distribution of data, electricity, post and water
  • Concept 6: viaducts are covered to protect from any weather conditions
  • Concept 7: included are hydro, solar and wind electricity generators
  • Concept 8: local electricity networks are interconnected to one global
  • Concept 9: included is waste separation and recycling
  • Concept 10: water is accessible for firemen and for watering dry land