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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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apihelp-block-param-reason (Talk) (Translate) Reason for block.
apihelp-block-param-reblock (Talk) (Translate) If the user is already blocked, overwrite the existing block.
apihelp-block-param-user (Talk) (Translate) Username, IP address, or IP range to block.
apihelp-block-param-watchuser (Talk) (Translate) Watch the user's or IP address's user and talk pages.
apihelp-checktoken-description (Talk) (Translate) Check the validity of a token from <kbd>[[Special:ApiHelp/query+tokens|action=query&meta=tokens]]</kbd>.
apihelp-checktoken-example-simple (Talk) (Translate) Test the validity of a <kbd>csrf</kbd> token.
apihelp-checktoken-param-maxtokenage (Talk) (Translate) Maximum allowed age of the token, in seconds.
apihelp-checktoken-param-token (Talk) (Translate) Token to test.
apihelp-checktoken-param-type (Talk) (Translate) Type of token being tested.
apihelp-clearhasmsg-description (Talk) (Translate) Clears the <code>hasmsg</code> flag for the current user.
apihelp-clearhasmsg-example-1 (Talk) (Translate) Clear the <code>hasmsg</code> flag for the current user.
apihelp-compare-description (Talk) (Translate) Get the difference between 2 pages. A revision number, a page title, or a page ID for both "from" and "to" must be passed.
apihelp-compare-example-1 (Talk) (Translate) Create a diff between revision 1 and 2.
apihelp-compare-param-fromid (Talk) (Translate) First page ID to compare.
apihelp-compare-param-fromrev (Talk) (Translate) First revision to compare.
apihelp-compare-param-fromtitle (Talk) (Translate) First title to compare.
apihelp-compare-param-toid (Talk) (Translate) Second page ID to compare.
apihelp-compare-param-torev (Talk) (Translate) Second revision to compare.
apihelp-compare-param-totitle (Talk) (Translate) Second title to compare.
apihelp-createaccount-description (Talk) (Translate) Create a new user account.
apihelp-createaccount-example-mail (Talk) (Translate) Create user <kbd>testmailuser</kbd> and email a randomly-generated password.
apihelp-createaccount-example-pass (Talk) (Translate) Create user <kbd>testuser</kbd> with password <kbd>test123</kbd>.
apihelp-createaccount-param-domain (Talk) (Translate) Domain for external authentication (optional).
apihelp-createaccount-param-email (Talk) (Translate) Email address of user (optional).
apihelp-createaccount-param-language (Talk) (Translate) Language code to set as default for the user (optional, defaults to content language).
apihelp-createaccount-param-mailpassword (Talk) (Translate) If set to any value, a random password will be emailed to the user.
apihelp-createaccount-param-name (Talk) (Translate) Username.
apihelp-createaccount-param-password (Talk) (Translate) Password (ignored if <var>$1mailpassword</var> is set).
apihelp-createaccount-param-realname (Talk) (Translate) Real name of user (optional).
apihelp-createaccount-param-reason (Talk) (Translate) Optional reason for creating the account to be put in the logs.
apihelp-createaccount-param-token (Talk) (Translate) Account creation token obtained in first request.
apihelp-dbg-description (Talk) (Translate) Output data in PHP's <code>var_export()</code> format.
apihelp-dbgfm-description (Talk) (Translate) Output data in PHP's <code>var_export()</code> format (pretty-print in HTML).
apihelp-delete-description (Talk) (Translate) Delete a page.
apihelp-delete-example-reason (Talk) (Translate) Delete <kbd>Main Page</kbd> with the reason <kbd>Preparing for move</kbd>.
apihelp-delete-example-simple (Talk) (Translate) Delete <kbd>Main Page</kbd>.
apihelp-delete-param-oldimage (Talk) (Translate) The name of the old image to delete as provided by [[Special:ApiHelp/query+imageinfo|action=query&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=archivename]].
apihelp-delete-param-pageid (Talk) (Translate) Page ID of the page to delete. Cannot be used together with <var>$1title</var>.
apihelp-delete-param-reason (Talk) (Translate) Reason for the deletion. If not set, an automatically generated reason will be used.
apihelp-delete-param-title (Talk) (Translate) Title of the page to delete. Cannot be used together with <var>$1pageid</var>.
apihelp-delete-param-unwatch (Talk) (Translate) Remove the page from the current user's watchlist.
apihelp-delete-param-watch (Talk) (Translate) Add the page to the current user's watchlist.
apihelp-delete-param-watchlist (Talk) (Translate) Unconditionally add or remove the page from the current user's watchlist, use preferences or do not change watch.
apihelp-disabled-description (Talk) (Translate) This module has been disabled.
apihelp-dump-description (Talk) (Translate) Output data in PHP's <code>var_dump()</code> format.
apihelp-dumpfm-description (Talk) (Translate) Output data in PHP's <code>var_dump()</code> format (pretty-print in HTML).
apihelp-edit-description (Talk) (Translate) Create and edit pages.
apihelp-edit-example-edit (Talk) (Translate) Edit a page.
apihelp-edit-example-prepend (Talk) (Translate) Prepend <kbd>__NOTOC__</kbd> to a page.
apihelp-edit-example-undo (Talk) (Translate) Undo revisions 13579 through 13585 with autosummary.
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