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Global Integrated Transport
From Global Integrated Transport
Revision as of 17:40, 10 August 2015 by Webmaster (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Global Integrated Transport (GIT) is a set of 10 innovations that can reduce *transportation injuries *traffic congestions *land used by rails and roads *environment pollution...")
Global Integrated Transport (GIT) is a set of 10 innovations that can reduce
- transportation injuries
- traffic congestions
- land used by rails and roads
- environment pollution etc.
Beside eliminating negative transportation impacts, GIT aims to
- improve transport efficiency
- create global automated transport network
- integrate data, electricity, post and water distribution with usual transport
- make transport weather independent
- produce electricity in hydro, solar and wind generators and use it as the main energy source
- reduce wildfires and drought, etc.
- Innovations are divided to 10 concepts described below, each is explained in a particular chapter.